IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
2-6 May 2020 // Virtual Conference

Tutorial 5

Building Your Own Blockchain in Under Two Hours with Substrate

Bruno Skvorc
Web3 Foundation, Croatia

Building a blockchain has, traditionally, been a nightmare - consensus, networking, economics, data storage, all these aspects need to be carefully reasoned about and can take months upon months of back breaking work by many researchers. Parity technologies has built enough custom blockchains to have recognized the need for abstraction. As Parity was charged with building the Polkadot ecosystem - an ecosystem with built-in support for multiple blockchains - Substrate was developed to facilitate the development of these blockchains. Suddenly, networking, consensus, and other tricky issues have been taken care of - leaving only application logic and incentivization up to the developer. In this tutorial we'll go through the process of building a custom blockchain with Substrate, deploy it live, and upgrade it with pluggable modules that extend its functionality - all without breaking a sweat.

Intial Setup before the session:
